Case study Aloe for gingivitis

Case study Aloe for gingivitis.

Aloe offers a natural remedy for Gingivitis.

This abbreviated case study demonstrates how aloe vera helped remedy a severe case of gingivitis.If this is what Aloe vera could accomplish, what could Aloe Ferox, which is 20 x stronger than Aloe Vera do for you?

Mo spent his youth travelling, eating poorly and experimenting with drugs. His health – and lifestyle had improved but he was struggling with gingivitis (a painful inflammation of the gums and tooth pockets). When brushing his teeth his gums bled, he had to get implants because of the damage to his gums and was often sleepless due to pain.

No remedies had seemed to help. He was prescribed a regime which included aloe vera toothpaste, a massage of aloe gelly on his gums and gargling with a concentrated aloe vera liquid. Importantly he was to take aloe vera juice 60 mililitres per day for three months.

After one month he returned to his physician and said that his gums had not looked for felt so good since he was a teenager. He is committed to a daily aloe dental routine, always with the aloe juice which he described as ‘indispensable’. Source: ‘Aloe Vera. Nature’s Silent Healer. Alasdair Barcroft and Dr Auden Myskja’.

Co-incidently his wife had been drinking aloe juice herself for general fatigue problems and had benefited from increased energy and decreased lower back pains. A double bonus.

Aloe Ferox Whole-Leaf Juice with over 130 medicinal agents to help maintain general wellbeing and optimal vigour.[/caption]

A herbal remedy, Aloe Ferox should be taken consistenty for 3 months to be effective. We advise that you always consult your health practitioner and never advocate the replacement of medicine with herbal treatments without proper consultation.


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