Case study Aloe for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (C.F.S.), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.)

Yuppie Flu. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (C.F.S.), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), Myalgic Encephalopathy or a diagnosis of Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS).

No matter what the label, the effects of living with ME or CFS can be devastating.

Symptoms for ME are experienced differently by different people and in different degrees and may include persistent exhaustion (‘fatigue’), muscle and/or joint pain, sleep disturbance, ’flu-like symptoms such as headache, sore throat, painful lymph nodes, dizziness and/or nausea and problems with memory and concentration.

This is a summarised case study of how Diane used Aloe Vera juice and bee pollen to help regain her health and energy when suffering from ME / CFS.

When you read this, remember that while Aloe Vera and Aloe Ferox are the from the same plant family, Aloe Ferox is 20 x stronger than Aloe Vera. Imagine what Aloe Ferox Whole-leaf juice can do for you?

Diane had suffered from ME at level 3 (of 4) for over ten years. She had been on medication, including anti-depressants and was taking up to 15 supplements daily. She’d had specialist treatment at a Harley Street clinic but was still a semi-recluse, suffering from poor self-esteem, needed a wheelchair for longer trips and struggled with the stairs in her home.

She was recommended the natural cactus juice by a friend and procrastinated taking it for ages. When she did start drinking aloe vera juice along with taking bee pollen tablets she found it life changing.

Within four weeks she felt that her energy was being restored and her muscles were responding to exercise. In a couple of months she was gardening (a little) and her social life was improving. She described it as having the shackles of 10 years fall away.

After 15 months she ran a 5km race which proved a watershed in her life. She now has a change of career in health and nutrition.

Source: ‘Aloe Vera. Nature’s Silent Healer. Alasdair Barcroft and Dr Auden Myskja’.

Aloe Ferox Whole-leaf Aloe Juice is a potent plant drink with over 130 medicinal agents to help maintain general well-being and optimal vigour. 20 x more potent than Aloe vera due to the use of the Aloe ferox bitters. Safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding.

A herbal remedy, Aloe Ferox should be taken consistently for 3 months to be effective. We advise that you always consult your health practitioner and never advocate the replacement of medicine with herbal treatments without proper consultation.

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