Case study – Aloe for asthma in adults.

The following case studies are about how aloe juice (in this case Aloe Vera) helped relieve the symptoms of asthma, naturally. When reading, please remember that while Aloe Vera and Aloe Ferox are the from the same plant family, Aloe Ferox is 20 x stronger than Aloe Vera. Imagine what Aloe Ferox Whole-leaf Juice can do for you?

Asthma : Oliver.

An abbreviated case study is of Oliver, in his 40’s who suffered severe asthma and bronchitis as a child – so badly that he was not expected to live over the age of 11. While he did, he was also allergic to many things but especially grass pollen. Numerous treatments over the years including anti-allergy injections resulted in one lung about 90% efficient. As he gre older his reactions to allergies reduced, but in winter he had to use two inhalers, one to dilate the lungs and another to control infection.

After a few months of drinking Aloe Vera juice he realised that he was no longer needing either of his inhalers. And, six years later he was still not relying on his inhalers – but the juice. In 18 years he’d never had such a long period of respite.

He was also prone to a frequent sore throat in winter and this problem has also disappeared. He travels frequently abroad and is in a senior position in a stressful job, all things that can trigger an attack. And although he always carries his inhalers he hasn’t used them for several years.

Source: ‘Aloe Vera. Nature’s Silent Healer. Alasdair Barcroft and Dr Auden Myskja’.

Asthma: Clare.

Clare struggled with asthma as a child, improved but it returned when she was in her thirties. She started taking aloe berry nectar – not for asthma but on the recommendation of her niece as a general tonic and energy booster. After a couple of weeks she was surprised to realise that she was not wheezing as much and called her niece to ask whether it was possible that the aloe was helping her asthma. Of course it was, her niece had just forgotten to mention that it was yet another thing that the juice could help address.

Within 6 months Clare had stopped taking her inhaler altogether. She found it interesting that she didn’t expect, or indeed know, that the juice could help asthma so it wasn’t a case of mind over matter – it effectively helped .

After a year she’d been free of asthma, went on a holiday without her juice and had a recurrence – so badly that she had to purchase a local inhaler. Returning home she returned to her daily juice routine and considers herself asthma free.

Source: ‘Aloe Vera. Nature’s Silent Healer. Alasdair Barcroft and Dr Auden Myskja’.

Natural Beauty Care would never advocate abandoning your inhaler as results differ person to person. To achieve results you need to take the juice daily over several months. It is not, unfortunately, a quick fix – but a natural, effective and relieving treatment.

Aloe Ferox Whole-leaf Juice has 0ver 130 naturally occurring plant medicinal agents. The juice helps to maintain optimal wellbeing and vigour.

Aloe Ferox Whole-Leaf Juice

Aloe Ferox Whole-leaf Aloe Juice is a potent plant drink – 20 x stronger than Aloe vera due to the use of the Aloe ferox bitters. It contains over 130 medicinal agents to help maintain wellbeing and optimal vigour. Safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding.

There is another case study of how aloe juice helped alleviate chronic eczema in a child. A pharmacy in a plant, there are many aliments that Aloe Ferox can help address.

For more support managing your asthma, may we suggest you visit Asthma UK.

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