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Natural relief from dermatitis with Aloe Ferox.

Explaining dermatitis simplistically, it is an inflammation of the skin. But if you are reading this, you will already know that. Dermatitis includes; psoriasis, eczema and seborrhoea. 

Aloe Ferox offers some natural skincare and wellbeing products to help ease the symptoms of dermatitis.

Natural, plant-based solutions with no steroids in sight, that may prove effective where other approaches have not.

A best-seller, Aloe Ferox Super Aloe Gel soothes and rejuvenates your skin. It is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain killer) and antiseptic gel. It is fragrance-free and the first option for skin that is inflamed and sensitive (second option would be the Whole-Leaf Gel below). Not recommended for ‘tough’ skin problems such as cracked hands or heels.

Aloe Ferox Whole-Leaf Gel is a special formulation of Aoe Frox, herbs and oils and is particularly useful for psoriasis and eczema.  A natural gel, free from perfume with a natural antibiotic along with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, analgesic (painkilling), calming, germicidal, detoxifying and healing actions.

Other ‘self-help’ solutions are to:

  • Avoid irritating and drying substances such as perfumes, soaps or harsh detergents. When bathing, either choose a soap-free cleanser or use an aqueous cream – and it’s best to avoid highly fragranced bubble baths. If you don’t already do so, try wearing gloves when washing the dishes or doing household cleaning.
  • Treat other rashes, especially fungal infections, even though they may seem unrelated. As with all things medical, please do seek the advise of your General Practitioner.

How to recognise dermatitis.

If you are experiencing a rash that is red, itchy and perhaps even painful, you may have dermatitis. A dermatitis rash won’t necessarily have distinct margins. How it looks depends on how long the rash has been present. Acute dermatitis has blisters. Subacute has scaling and crusting and chronic dermatitis has thickened skin (lichenification) caused by excessive scratching with pronounced skin lines, somewhat like a washboard).

Types of dermatitis.

There are several distinct types of dermatitis that are able to be defined by a direct cause e.g. detergent and if you like, effect e.g. the rash. Specific types of dermatitis are:

  • Allergic contact dermatitis – A delayed hypersensitivity reaction involving allergens and antibodies.
  • Irritant contact dermatitis – Exposure to irritating chemicals or detergents.
  • Atopic dermatitis – An allergic-type reaction that is accompanied by hay fever, asthma, and very dry skin.
  • Stasis dermatitis – Occurs on the ankles and lower legs of people with venous insufficiency.
  • Dyshidrotic dermatitis (pompholyx) – This occurs on the hands or feet and is characterized by redness, scaling, and deep blisters.
  • Nummular dermatitis – Coin shaped patches that occur anywhere on the body in relation to dry skin.
  • Autosensitization dermatitis (Id reaction) – An itchy rash that occurs in response to an intense inflammatory process somewhere else on the body, especially fungal infections.
  • Lichen simplex chronicus– A rash caused by long-term scratching of an area producing thickened skin.
  • Diaper dermatitis – A type of irritant dermatitis caused by long exposure of the skin to wet nappies (diapers).
  • Seborrheic dermatitis (cradle cap) – Yellow, greasy scales like dandruff on the scalp and hair-bearing areas of the head, neck, and upper chest.

Diagnosis of dermatitis.

Generally, dermatitis is diagnosed clinically, meaning based on the history and appearance of the rash. If possible, the exact type of dermatitis is delineated, but sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between the dermatitis types. There are very few tests performed that help clarify the type of dermatitis. Some examples of tests that may help with diagnosis are skin tests for contact or atopic dermatitis or a KOH test identifying a fungal infection.

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