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Navigating the festive frenzy: a guide to self-care and serenity

Maintaining your zen during the festive period can be challenging, but prioritizing self-care is key.

Christmas – or if you prefer, the festive season, is both a joyful and chaotic time of the year. If you aren’t in essential services, hospitality and retail (no doubt there are other professions) you may be anticipating some downtime. An extended period at home. If you have family you may be hoping for a snow day to help give you some outdoor time away from screens. If you are alone you may relish being able to do as you please, when you please. No matter your circumstances for all the highs that the period offers, there can also be lows. Those not-much-spoken-about woes of the expense and time it takes to organise pressies. The logistics and complications of seeing family and friends over multiple days and venues. Those often soggy and cold days when the sun never becomes more than a watery impression of daylight. I think it’s perfectly fine to acknowledge those lows, albeit it quiety and perhaps under your breath, but to balance your wellbeing with some self-care.

Self-care can provide much needed time for reflection, quiet, and me-time, helping to maintain your inner peace and frankly, sanity.

Prioritizing “Me Time”

The festive season can be like getting ready to get married. Rush, rush, rush, stress and then the event arrives in a whirl. Amid all the planning and logistics, the joy can be misplaced as you rush towards the finishing line of pudding and a snooze on the sofa.

“Put on your own oxygen mask first”

Do your traditions mean that you are left with doing it all yourself? If so, perhaps it’s time for new traditions.

I like to keep a little routine, even it if just means a cup of tea to get going and a quiet walk with the dog. You might prefer to stick to your exercise routine, perhaps accommodating complicated agendas by changing the timing.

If constant company is overwhelming, you may like to keep your host company in the kitchen and avoid the crowd. Or take a walk round the block with the children to burn off their energy and excesses.

The therapeutic power of a hot bath.

You might want to explore the calming effects of a hot bath on both your body and mind.

My bath times can be functional, certainly. But at this time of the year, in the spirit of self-care, the bathtime routine can move up a few notches in terms of importance. And if I’m taking the time and energy to draw a bath, I’d like to make it count.  Recipe for relaxation: add essential oils or Epsom salts. Light a candle. Open a book. Drink whatever you fancy. Door – locked. Hot water, topped up by big toe. And, relax.

 Indulge in luxurious body care.

After a soak in the tub, your skin will soak up any moisturisers. I like to pamper myself by slathering on Aloe Ferox Hand and Body Lotion, the light geranium fragrance is a delight. For very dry areas, Aloe Ferox Tissue Oil is easy to apply and disappears leaving my skin silky and radiant. Dry heels are a thing of the past thanks to Aloe Ferox Heel Balm – which is also remedial on extra dry, hard-working hands.

The art of rest.

Feet up should be the mantra over the festive period. After all you are on a break too.

Sleep quality can be much improved by establishing a bedtime routine such as a bath before bed, or hitting the off button on your phone and opting for a book instead. Some folks enjoy meditation music through their phones, but that doesn’t work for me as I am too tempted to watch one more episode – you know what I mean.

Making your bedroom a haven for sleep is achieved better when you aren’t doubling up as an office. If you are limited on space, packing away paperwork so it is out of sight out of mind, is immensely helpful.

Mindful moments putting the chaos aside.

Incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine is sure to lift your spirits. Simple mindfulness exercises that can be done in short intervals throughout the day. Just finding some time to be quiet and calm your breathing can go a long way to maintaining your equilibrium.

However you spend the festive period and whether you are celebrating solo or as part of a gathering, take good care of yourself.

May you have a restful, peaceful period and enter the new year full of grace and good cheer.

Why not share how you take care of yourself over busy periods and your self-care tips?

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