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Be Well. Stay Well.
Aloe Ferox Out of Africa.
Be Beautiful. Stay Beautiful.
Not Available on the High Street.
aloe ferox natural skin care natural beauty care palm trees Furteventura

Holidays spell sunshine – and often sunburn.

We took a short break in Furteventura, which was eagerly anticipated after Covid-19 curtailed freedom for the last two years.  Warm weather was expected – after all we were arriving from Scotland and chasing winter sun. The volcanic Canary island delivered.

Strolling the promenade on day one, the overcast sky belied the fierce sun. I wasn’t exposing too much skin, unlike my family who were in shorts and t-shirts. That night it was very apparent that only a few hours into our holiday we had sunburn to contend with. As I never go anywhere without my Aloe Ferox Super Aloe Gel, that was liberally applied, but as it turns out 100ml travel size doesn’t go far when dealing with arms, legs and faces. No problem, being a volcanic island with very little (if any) arable soil we knew one of their signature plants is cactus, resulting in a thriving Aloe Vera range of products.

Here’s the thing. Aloe Vera is excellent for treating sunburn, everyone who’s tried it will agree. But the various gels we bought reminded me that you can take a good thing for granted. The gels were very watery and when they dried on the skin had an uncomfortable tightening effect. And something I had never thought to consider was that when applied to very hairy legs (not mine I  hasten to add) the Aloe Vera gels dried, it pulled at the hairs in a way that was more painful than uncomfortable.

What makes Aloe Ferox Super Aloe Gel different is the way it is produced. Cold-pressed it comes out of the tube in a dense jelly-like gel – and isn’t watery. It absorbs easily but leaves a soft finish on the skin, not dry, tight or flaky.

Note to self – pack several tubes on the next sunny holiday – but make sure everyone slathers on the sun cream. Prevention is always better than a cure.

Be well, stay well.


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