summer, skin,

The sun has put its hat on, we’re all out to play.

Summer sun natural skin care tips for beautiful, naturally gorgeous skin.

The sun is out, the legs are out and other body bits, usually kept under wraps – exposed. And a few days later, once white skin is a rather unattractive shade of pink. Followed by a quick fade and often peeling. Sound familiar? And every year, we repeat the pattern with summer taking its toll on our skin. Team scorching heat with pollution and humidity and before you know it, your skin has lost its natural glow. To avoid looking crocodile-like or suffering from sunburn here are some easy-peasy ways to keep your skin in tip-top condition this summer season.

Never step out without sunscreen.

I’m a fan of prevention rather than cure. Please do bin last year’s unused sunscreen for a new bottle they lose their effectiveness with time. Choose a sunscreen that has UVA and UVB products and comes in SPF 30 and SPF 70. And now, just apply liberally. Apparently few of us use enough and a fun way to measure it is to use the equivalent of a full shot glass for your body and a full teaspoon just on your face. Reapply every 1-2 hours when you are soaking up the sun to ensure a summer of safe sun fun and no sunburn. If you are unfortunate enough to get sunburned, Aloe Ferox Super Aloe Gel takes the sting out of your skin. If you apply it quickly enough, and regularly, three times a day, a deep burn can be prevented from unsightly peeling.

Water is your best friend.

You’ve heard it so many times before, try to enjoy 8 glasses of water a day. Rather than chugging down two glasses when you remember, folk find it easier to carry water bottle and sip every 30 mins or so. Water not only helps cool you down when the heat is on, but  prevents dehydration and flushes your body – and skin of toxins.

Hydrate with a lighter lotion for summer.

It’s time to pack away your thick winter body creams and butters for more light summery lotions. You’ve got better things to do than wait for thick creams and butters to melt into your skin. Choose something light and quickly absorbed in a gel like Aloe Ferox Super Aloe Gel that is fragrance-free. Or choose Aloe Ferox Hand and Body Lotion – a two for one solution with the light summery scent of geranium. I think of it as a happy fragrance. Applying gels or lotions when your skin is still damp after your shower or bath helps maximise their moisturising action.

Exfoliate top to toe.

Perhaps the most important time of the year for exfoliating your body, since so much is on show, but also for skin health. Our bodies sheds skin cells continually and if you don’t slough them off, with a good old scrub, the dead skin cells settle on the surface making skin look dull and dry. A hydrating body lotion certainly helps, but for optimal glowing skin just exfoliate.

When you are in the shower, take a body scrub and rub gently in circular movements on your entire body from the shoulders down. Do use a different exfoliater on your face and neck. Rinse and repeat about twice a week for beautiful skin.

Sans sun summer glow.

Tanning beds are ‘so yesterday’. Using a sunless tanner will kick start your summer glow. If you’re like me I can’t get my pins out without a little forgiving tan spray. You may not be a fan of sunless tanners all over your body but can happily use them on your face. You can alternate your facial moisturizer with one that builds a bit of colour, or mix a drop of your tanner into your moisturiser. Rub on and good to glow.

Most tanners build colour gradually, and by alternating with your regular moisturiser; you’ll never get too dark. Especially if you are exfoliating regularly – a buffed skin provides the ideal base and helps avoid patchy, darker spots on areas like knees and elbows. That said, a tiny bit of moisturising on knees and elbows before you apply the self-tanner avoids the tell-tale tan from a bottle look.

Go au natural in the make-up department.

During summer is better to use less make-up. When you are under the bright, and let’s face it, completely exposing light of a bright day, natural make-up looks are most flattering. If you intend to use foundation, I personally can’t go out without it, then apply over your sun protection and following with a light dusting of face powder to avoid your skin looking greasy. Your lips can be protected with a gloss or an SPF15 lip balm. If you can live without it, ditch the eye make over summer.

Here’s to a beautiful summer.


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