Are you having trouble going to the loo?
Aloe Ferox offers several natural remedies for constipation.
Being constipated is a dreadful state of affairs. Ease your discomfort and make passing stools more comfortable with Aloe Ferox. Simple, completely safe, natural, non-habit-forming remedies for constipation you can use from the comfort of your own home.
Our best seller with regular results.
Aloe Ferox Fabulous Fibre Bitters help is a natural remedy for constipation. It works by regulating bowel motions, preventing further constipation.
It is stronger than Fabulous Fibre Regular but less potent than the Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals.
“We have tried everything (for constipation) even Aloe Vera, but nothing else (except for Aloe Ferox Fabulous Fibre Bitters works.’ Mrs. White.
‘The Aloe Ferox products are excellent. They’ve given me great relief from constipation and hemorrhoids which I’ve suffered from for the last 2 years. Remedies I used previously worked for a week and then I reverted back to start. It was the same with numerous diet changes. I was been driven demented. The Aloe Ferox keeps on working.’
LEO patrick, dundalk, co louth, rep. of ireland
Dynamite comes in small packages – Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals
Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals is the most powerful of our natural solutions for constipation. It’s highly effective in flushing your bowel. We suggest you start with the smallest dose possible. If you are pregnant you must not use this product. Note the health warnings.
Daily maintenance – Aloe Ferox Fabulous Fibre Regular
Aloe Ferox Fabulous Fibre – Regular is an alternative dietary fibre supplement to remedy constipation. It is rich in nutritional and medicinal properties and active Aloe Ferox Whole-Leaf.
Not “going” every day?
That’s okay. It’s actually quite normal. Take Jack and Jill as examples of perfectly healthy people with what is considered to be normal bowel motion. Jack may do his business three times each day. Jill may only go three times a week. It’s personal. There is no rule about going for a poop once a day as being the usual habit.
Getting to the bottom of the problem.
You are considered to be ‘clinically’ constipated if you are having a bowel movement less than three times per week. Your stools may be hard, dry, small in size and difficult to pass. You may find it painful to pass a stool and are straining in order to do so. Or you may experience bloating and the uncomfortable sensation of a full bowel. Then again, you may be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrom (IBS) and fluctuate from constipation to diarrhoea.
Try not to worry too much.
Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Almost everyone experiences constipation at some point in their life. The main cause is usually poor diet. That’s easy to address by increasing your intake of water and fibre in fruit and vegetables, high fibre cereals, supplements and some health drinks. Often as not, most constipation is temporary and not serious.
You are not alone.
Not at all. Constipation is thought to affect a quarter of the population at some time and is more common in the elderly.
Common causes of constipation.
There are numerous reasons for being constipated. Read the list below and you’ll probably spot one or several of the potential reasons for your discomfort. Common causes of constipation include;
- not enough fibre in the diet
- lack of physical activity (especially in the elderly)
- medications
- milk (and dairy products; butter and cheese)
- irritable bowel syndrome
- changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, aging, and travel
- abuse of laxatives
- ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
- dehydration
- specific diseases or conditions, such as stroke (most common)
- problems with the colon and rectum
- problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic constipation) Source (National Digestive Diseases Clearing House)
- and a new line of thinking links excess mucus to sore stomachs– and even eczema
Practical ways you can self-help to manage your constipation.
There are easy, practical ways to help ease your discomfort.
- Reduce refined foods in your diet e.g. white bread, cakes and sugar.
- Drink plenty of water to counteract constipation.
- Eating prunes or drink plum juice daily for its high levels of soluble fibre.
- Exercise regularly to improve digestion and reduce stress.
- Aim for a regular bowel habit. The best time is usually the first hour after breakfast. Take your time and sit for at least 10 minutes, regardless of whether you manage to pass a stool. Don’t strain.
- Make your own juice using raw fruits and vegetables. Click here to visit Juice Extractor Guide, a site dedicated to the benefits of having a juice extractor so that when you buy you make the right decision.
On the subject of water…
- Drinking more is one of the easiest ways to ‘self-help. Consider that if you are already constipated and then increase your fibre and do not increase your water consumption you can make things worse.
- Use water to your advantage to help ‘flush’ your system and help soften your stool. If you are taking a fibre tablet, like Aloe Ferox Fabulous Fibre, aim to drink 1 glass of water per fibre tablet.
- Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to help flush your system. Hot beverages, such as coffee, tea or hot water may stimulate bowel movements. Many people find relief taking citrus drinks like orange juice or lemon in water.
Thank you for your extra advice on how to manage constipation