How to improve your digestion, naturally.

Knowing what you can do to take control and improve your digestion naturally is not only empowering, it’s essential for your daily comfort.

Here are some top tips for improving your digestion.

  • Chew, chew and chew some more. Taking time to chew your food is time well spent.
  • Drink plenty of water. Water is invaluable in helping to prevent constipation.
  • Increase your daily fibre intake. Fruit, veg, beans, legumes and high fibre cereals, all the usual culprits help to keep your gut healthy.
  • Practice mindful eating. When you take time to appreciate your meals rather than eating on the run, you improve your digestion and tend to eat less.
  • Address food sensitivities and allergies. For example, IBS patients tend to have sensitivity to one or more food groups.
  • Increase good gut bacteria. Probiotic” bacteria help to maintain intestinal health.
  • Supplement to restore digestive health – sometimes you need a little help, so by all means take products such as digestive enzymes and peppermint oils to get you on the road to recovery quickly.

Aloe Ferox have a range of natural herbal remedies to help manage your constipation.

Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals is a natural laxative with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic action to help improve digestion by addressing chronic constipation.

Aloe Ferox Fabulous Fibre – Regular is a dietary fibre supplement to keep you regular. Think of it as a substitute for the Whole-Leaf Juice.

Fabulous Fibre Bitters help to regulate bowel motions, preventing constipation by improving bowel function. It can provide pain relief.

Aloe Ferox Whole-leaf Aloe Juice is an easy, refreshing way to increase your fiber intake. The juice is very effective at easing heartburn.

If you are regularly ‘irregular’ there are some tips on managing your constipation.


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