Aloe Ferox provides natural relief from arthritis pain.

Common symptoms of arthritis are pain and swelling in joints. You are likely to be stiff and may experience problems moving around. The pain of arthritis may be minimised with a TENS machine. If you are looking for effective natural, herbal, drug-free remedies to ease the pain and discomfort of arthritis, the following may be of interest.

Aloe Ferox Joint Support helps to improve the general function of the body’s joints. It assists with joint lubrication and function; cartilage and collagen production. It reduces joint pain and inflammation.

Joint Support contains Glucosamine, Copper, Manganese and Devil’s Claw. Devil’s Claw is a traditional herbal remedy for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, fibrositis and myalgia. It also works as an appetite stimulant and has a positive effect on digestion. Older people tend to find this herbal supplement particularly beneficial.

Customer Testimonial: ‘I was getting sharp pains around the hip joint and since taking it eased considerably and more importantly when I stopped taking it the pain has returned so I would definitely recommend Aloe Ferox Joint Support from Natural Beauty Care which contains Aloe Ferox.’

P Newland, Surrey, England.

Health warning: Not to be used with blood thinning medication due to the anti-coagulant nature of Devil’s Claw. There are no known contra-indications for Aloe Ferox.

Aloe Ferox Bitter Crystals help to address pain due to arthritis and high blood pressure. However, they are primarily formulated to act as a laxative for those with chronic constipation.

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