Are you food intolerant?
You can take testing into your own hands. A safe and accurate way of establishing whether you are food intolerant is by following a diet that eliminates food that you suspect to be problematic, and then gradually reintroducing it.
Step 1: discuss your problem with your doctor or health professional and ask for their advice.
Step 2: Make use of a food diary. If there is an improvement in your condition when the food/chemical is excluded from your menu and then, on reintroduction, the condition reappears, then simply the food is best not eaten. However, if after a while, having reintroduced the food, there is no reaction, you can assume that the food tested is safe to eat.
Applied Kinesiology.
During a session of Kinesiology ‘muscle testing,’ the client is asked to put food in their mouth or hold onto a homeopathic solution. If the client is sensitive to the food or solution a strong muscle will go weak, suggesting food intolerance. Results are immediate and testing is completely pain-free. The session is done while you are fully clothed and is suitable for both children and adults.
A blood sample has to be taken by either a doctor or a nurse, this is then sent to the Lab where the blood cells are tested for various changes when exposed to food particles. One study on the ALCAT test was carried out on IBS patients to identify their reaction to certain negative and positive foods, although this was only a small study it was deemed encouraging.
The Vega Test.
The Vega machine originated from electro-acupuncture and is based on bio-energetic medicine. A direct voltage of 0.87 volts is applied with a handheld electrode over an acupuncture point on the toe, whilst another electrode is held in the hand to complete the circuit. There is no discomfort and it is completely safe and non-invasive. The test lasts for approximately half an hour where up to fifty foods can be tested, if a food is found to cause an imbalance within the body the reading would be lower than other foods that do not cause an imbalance.
The IgG ELISA Test.
In the USA, The York Nutritional Laboratory developed the IgG ELISA Test nearly two decades ago. The test involves taking your own blood sample at home by using a pinprick kit that the YNL will send to you. Once you have collected your blood in the wand container you post it back to the Lab for analysis. The blood is then measured for raised IgG antibodies against certain foods. They offer a 40 food screen, a 93 food screen, and a 57 food screen that has been specifically developed for vegetarians.
Eczema and food intolerance.
Understanding if you are food intolerant helps get to the root of the cause of your eczema and may reduce the severity of breakouts or prevent them altogether.
Here is a summary of what food intolerance or sensitivity concerning eczema is all about.
Testing for food intolerance is not as easy as testing for food allergies.
There are many causes of eczema. Your condition may be hereditary or due to external factors, over which you may have some control.